Fall grain harvest is upon us. Here are six things you can do to make the most of Bushel Farm during this busy season.
1. Prioritize which fields to check first using rainfall and satellite imagery
Rather than drive from field to field checking rain gauges, soil conditions, and crop dry-down, use Recent Rainfall, Growing Degree Days, and Satellite Imagery to prioritize which fields to check first, and save time that might be better spent on other tasks.
2. Coordinate with partners or employees by sharing your account
Add farm team members or third-party service providers to your account with different access levels to make it easier to stay on the same page with all your partners on the farm – hired hands, farm managers, crop consultants, marketing advisors, and more. You can also assign work/share a map without providing access to your account or requiring them to log in.
3. Log field activities and keep track of yield automatically by connecting your John Deere Operations Center and/or Climate FieldView account
Connect your Bushel Farm account to your John Deere Operations Center and/or Climate FieldView account. Doing so will automatically log activities and track yield in Bushel Farm. These activities automatically feed into the Profit & Loss feature, providing you with a real-time detailed analysis on an acre, field, crop, and farm level.
If you don’t have accounts to connect, you can always log your harvesting activities manually from your mobile device while on the go or from your computer when you’re home.
4. Track your contracts and marketing position as you haul grain
If you’re hauling grain to the elevator for spot sales from the field, enter those contracts in the Contracts feature (along with any other contracts you’ve made). This allows you to track sales so you know what you have sold to where, your average price sold, and the value of your unsold bushels as prices move.
NEW AUTOMATION! If you do business with one or more of the thousands of grain facilities that offer a mobile app powered by Bushel, you can automate the entry of your cash grain sale contracts into Bushel Farm. Learn more here.
5. Update equipment maintenance records as you go
Equipment maintenance easily ranks as one of the most important tasks during harvest. You can keep track of equipment maintenance by clicking “Log Maintenance” in the Equipment section.
6. Log notes about field problem areas or anomalies
Although scouting isn’t generally thought of as a harvest task, it’s important to have an easy, reliable, and accessible way to record any problems, anomalies, or areas in the field as you combine. Instead of trying to keep track of notebooks or scrap paper, you can just log in to the mobile app and enter geo-referenced notes while you’re in the field.
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