Know field conditions without checking rain gauges
Plan your day better by remotely tracking how much rain your fields receive and when. We’ll send notifications about rainfall events to your inbox!
Know the historical effects of rain and heat on your crops
Track rainfall history and heat unit accumulation for each field and compare it to prior seasons.
Receive a detailed report email showing you which fields received the most and least rainfall
Get a daily, weekly, and year-to-date look at rainfall and heat unit accumulation on your fields
Quickly and easily generate the reports you need
Create and share customizable reports with the press of a button. Use filters to easily customize report details and download your reports as CSV or PDF files to easily share with partners
See all of your fields in one place
Get an aerial view of where your fields are and what you’ve planted with satellite maps, and access driving directions for your fields with the push of a button.
Easily share field knowledge and notes
Log geotagged notes and pictures while you’re out in the field to recall or securely share later.
Know what your fields are made of
Easily see each soil type area and elevation features so you can evaluate new ground and find opportunities to improve management on existing fields.
Easily access market prices
See current futures prices, and track price fluctuation and market carry to know if delivering your grain later is worth the wait.
Know your per unit and total costs of inputs
Keep organized records of how much you’re spending on inputs and easily view the field work associated with each product. Log input purchases so you always know the per unit and total cost spent on each product.
View cash contracts, automate entry
Bushel Farm is the only farm management software that can automatically feed real-time cash grain contract details into a consolidated view.
Organize, view, and access grain contracts in one location
Automate entry of contracts with Bushel-powered buyers