Today, FarmLogs announced that our company is joining forces with another independent AgTech company, Bushel. If you’ve followed our journey, you probably know that we’ve always put growers at the forefront of everything we do, and this is no different. We are extremely excited about what FarmLogs and Bushel can do together to unlock more value for our customers.
Click here to read the official news release
As we look to the future of innovation in agriculture, one thing is very clear: automatically gathering data and enabling connections can make farmers more productive. We believe that by integrating the power of Bushel’s platform seamlessly into the FarmLogs user experience that we can bring you value you can’t find anywhere else.
Imagine a world where all the information you need to run your farm is flowing to you in a single well designed software experience. The partners you choose to do business with are integrated directly into your farm management tool so the information you need is readily accessible and doesn’t require data entry. In this world, you would have a single app for all your critical business workflows. That is what we are striving to create for you, and we are excited to accelerate our progress with this major step forward.
You can expect all the things you love about FarmLogs to stay the same and even more progress on the things you’ve told us you want. We want to thank you for your support over the years, and as always, please feel free to share your feedback with us by emailing [email protected].
Q: Who has access to my data?
A: Nothing has changed about who has access to your data. Neither FarmLogs nor Bushel user data is shared with third parties unless you explicitly opt-in or provide access.
Q: Does this change how I access my FarmLogs account?
A: No, please continue to access your account the same way you always have. In the future, we will add support to consolidate your Bushel and your FarmLogs accounts.
Q: Is the FarmLogs app going away?
A: No, this will only make the FarmLogs app more powerful.
Q: How is this good for me as a farmer?
A: Our combined companies now have more resources to devote to improving our products. Bushel is the leader in digitizing grain data and integrating with FarmLogs will give you easier access to your grain tickets and eliminate manual entry. We will also be looking for ways to reduce the cost of the service to farmers through new innovative offerings and partnerships.