Bushel Customer Portal: Provided by Grain Buyers & Ag Retailers, Free for Farmers

In June 2021 FarmLogs was acquired by Bushel, an independently-owned software company providing solutions for farmers, grain buyers, ag retailers, protein producers, and food companies. In March 2023, FarmLogs was rebranded to Bushel Farm.

In addition to Bushel Farm, Bushel offers a web and mobile portal for use by farmers. And, it’s very possible these tools are available to you today through your grain buyer or ag retailer – at no cost to you!


Bushel Customer Portal (Mobile Version Shown Below)

Provided by grain buyers and ag retailers – free to farmers


Perhaps your grain buyer or ag retailer offers a mobile and web portal to farmer customers? A portal that serves up 24/7 access to cash bids and futures and might also display scale tickets, grain contracts, and other account info. It might also allow you to submit grain offers, sign your contracts electronically, and pay or get paid digitally.

If they do, it’s highly likely that Bushel is the technology behind the tool. Today, we have over 2,600 grain locations and nearly 60,000 farmers using Bushel’s software. And, we’re adding more every day!


Curious if your grain buyer offers a Bushel customer portal?

Search the name of your local grain company in the Apple or Google Play Store. If you find an app associated with that company, check the app description and/or images to see if it’s powered by Bushel. If it is, you will see the “powered by Bushel” logo in the lower-right corner of the app’s screen, and Bushel will be referenced in the last paragraph of the app’s description.


Already using a grain buyer’s Bushel portal?

We’ve got good news!! You can import / auto-populate your Bushel Farm account with grain contracts from companies that use Bushel software. Learn more here.


Wish your grain buyer offered a Bushel portal?

We would be glad to give them a nudge. Click the button below to give us their contact info, and we’ll reach out.